Baby, Pregnancy, Tips

Five Ways You Can Make Your 2nd (or 3rd) Boy Pregnancy Special


*This post contains affiliate links.

Big things going on at Man-Cub Mamas… Both Mama R and I are pregnant with baby boys! This is Mama R’s 2nd boy and my 3rd boy. I think it’s safe to say that we were meant to run a blog about parenting boys. 😉

Mama R’s recent post about having her 2nd boy is an amazing read- I think everyone should read it! It struck home with me, because life has been quite the emotional roller coaster for me ever since I found out my 2nd baby was a boy. To sum things up: I have known since I was pregnant with my 2nd that my family would have a baby girl someday. I truly thought my 2nd boy was a girl- so I was pretty shocked when we found out he was a boy! Not just because of his gender, but for whatever reason, I suffered with prenatal and postpartum anxiety/depression while pregnant and postpartum with my 2nd baby. With medical intervention I did make it out of that strange depression cloud, and it taught me a lot about myself and about motherhood.

It’s been awhile since I have felt any disappointment about my 2nd baby not being a girl. But it took some time for me to admit that I WAS disappointed at first, because doesn’t that make me a horrible mommy to be disappointed about my baby’s gender??? When I finally realized that it does NOT make me a bad mother, I was able to move forward and enjoy my son. He has been such a joy in my life, and I 100% would not trade him for a million girls!

Fast-forward and I still felt strongly (even more strongly than before) that a girl is waiting to join our family. However, I had told myself that before I would feel officially ready to try for a 3rd baby, I would need to feel okay with whatever possibility- 1st girl or 3rd boy. And what do you know? I’m pregnant with my 3rd boy!!!

I feel so happy that I can say I am not disappointed in the slightest. For one thing, I have absolutely loved having 2 boys, so I know that I will love having 3! Secondly, I still feel strongly that a girl will join our family someday. I don’t know when, but I’m glad that whenever she does come that she will have awesome big brothers to welcome her. And third, I have felt a sweet connection with this 3rd little boy inside me, and I have felt that he will be an amazing and needed addition to our family.


So, I want to give some advice to you mamas who are pregnant with your 2nd or 3rd boy in a row. Although it may seem at times that your pregnancy isn’t as exciting as your friends and family members who have girl/boy or boy/girl combo right off the bat… I promise, your pregnancy is just as special! Don’t let anyone make you feel that your new baby boy is anything but unique, perfect, and exactly what he needs to be. Oh- and don’t let anyone tell you that boys don’t require as much equipment, because boys can be well-dressed too!

Here is what I suggest to help you make this pregnancy just as special as your first one:

  1. Get new baby clothes

Even though you won’t need a whole new baby wardrobe, it is still fun to get each baby his own clothes. Each baby has a different personality; styles change; and if your babies aren’t born at the same time of year, the seasons may not line up. (For example, if your first baby was born in the winter and your next baby is due in the summer, you’re going to need some newborn size summer clothes!)

Also, baby clothes DO get well-used! After two babies, a lot of my baby clothes were just not that nice anymore. A lot of the newborn ones are still great, since babies only wear those ones a few times maybe, but 6 months and older… forget about it!

2. Use baby laundry detergent

Have you heard of Dreft? It made my 1st baby’s clothes smell AMAZING! I didn’t use it with my 2nd baby, because I didn’t want to spend the extra money. But I’m totally doing it with my 3rd! It’s so fun to wash and fold all of your baby clothes before baby arrives, and this stuff helps make the clothes seem more baby-ish. I think I only used this detergent for the first few months after my oldest son was born, then I switched to the detergent the rest of my family uses.

3. Create a nursery space

Whether your baby will get his own room or will have a nook in your room or closet, I highly recommend creating a special nursery space. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this! Most of my baby’s decorations have been framed printables that I’ve found on Pinterest. Since it is not recommended that babies have anything in their cribs, you shouldn’t need to worry about buying a lot of bedding. (I just use simple crib sheets.)

4. If you truly feel like you need a baby shower, share that with someone you trust.

I’ve seen baby showers thrown for women who are pregnant with a gender they’ve already had before. I’ve also heard some women say that they don’t want a shower when they’ve already had the gender they’re expecting. Honestly, it hurt my feelings a tad bit that no one even asked me if I wanted or needed a shower when I was pregnant with my 2nd boy. I didn’t need much, so it was mainly the principle of it that hurt me. I felt like people assumed that since I had already had a boy, I wouldn’t need anything new. (I’ve heard of expecting moms having diaper showers, I think that’s an awesome idea! You always need more diapers!)

If you feel like you need a baby shower, or that having one would help you prepare emotionally for your baby, talk to someone close to you about it. It probably feels a little awkward asking someone to throw you a shower, but if you brought it up to someone that knows you well and won’t judge you, I think many people would be thrilled to throw you one. (It doesn’t have to be big or extravagant!)

5. Have pictures taken in the hospital or take awesome ones yourself.

After your baby is born, get some good pictures! I know some people get a photographer for the labor and/or newborn pictures. Even if you don’t do that ( I never have), get some photos with a good camera while you’re in the hospital, and when your baby is still a newborn.

A friend shared with me some advice for my 3rd boy pregnancy, which has been a huge comfort to me and helped me put things into perspective:

Try to think of this pregnancy as your first time experiencing everything: as much as possible, treat it like it’s your first pregnancy with all the excitement and anticipation! Afterall, this is the first and only time you’ll experience all of it with THIS precious baby!


Baby, Boy Issues, Parenting, Pregnancy

Are you going to try for a girl?

We just found out that we are pregnant with another boy! One question that I dread and have already been asked is: Are you going to try for a girl?

This query annoys me for two reasons: 1) it makes the most recent child seem like a factory defect, and 2) it undermines the sacrifice of pregnancy.

I don’t know when or why it became a societal norm to desire one child from each gender. I guess this at least is progress in comparison to other societies who value boys over girls. I’m sure a mom with several girls would have the same issues that I am having when people ask if she is going to “try for a boy” (usually for daddy’s sake.)

Either way, I think the expectation that there must be one child from each gender needs to be dropped. First off, moms hardly ever have control over the gender of their baby. They just don’t. So, in asking a mom if she is going to “try” for the other gender, it’s not like she can guarantee anything. It’s a shot in the dark. From a religious perspective, I am of the opinion that it is in God’s hands how many of each gender you end up getting. And God isn’t worried about societal norms of having an equal balance of genders in each family. He may send you 3 boys and no girls, or just one girl and no boys. God isn’t into cookie cutter molds, as he recognizes that all of his children are different.

Which brings me to my first point, making children seem like factory defects. I have several friends who have had multiple boys and then ended with a girl (or had multiple girls and ended up with a boy). I always feel like the assumption is that the child who is the opposite gender is more important than all the other children combined. It’s like all those middle kids were just a means to an end, which was to have a child of the opposite gender. I would hate for any child to feel like they weren’t of as much value just because they weren’t the opposite gender. No matter their gender, each child is special and important.

As I thought about what I would “lose out” on by not having a girl, I could only come up with: 1) not having her wear my christening dress, 2) no shopping for cute girl clothes, and 3) no periods. I’m sure you, the reader, may come up with more reasons, but I was stumped after that. No makeup or headbands, you say? My son has already worn both when he dresses up to be different animals. I’ve still read “girl books” with my son and watched princess movies with him. No cooking or sewing? Boys can do that too. Likewise, fathers of multiple girls can still go to sports games with them, teach them how to fix a car, or go camping with them. Gender roles don’t have to be as strict as society paints them to be, which makes not having a child of the “other gender” less of an issue.

Secondly, asking a mom if she is going to try for the opposite gender undermines the sacrifice of pregnancy. It assumes that pregnancy is no big deal, you can always do it again. There are many woman who struggle to get and stay pregnant. There are many more who suffer immensely during their pregnancies. Asking if they will try for more overlooks the sacrifices they have already made to bring their current children to this earth. In my mind, it is one of the most insensitive assumptions you can make. Every woman who gets pregnant sacrifices so much of her life and body for another human being. These moms worked hard to deliver healthy babies, regardless of the gender. So please respect that sacrifice. Don’t undermine it by asking if she’s going to “try again” for a different gender.

And finally, it’s no business of yours whether a mom is going to “try for a girl” or “try for a boy.” You don’t need to know about their family planning. (Unless you are personally planning to financially support all of the future children. Then maybe you can ask for the sole purpose of knowing how much you should save. But even then, you don’t need to know the gender.)

My advice: keep your questions to yourself, and congratulate the expecting or new mom for having another baby boy/girl.

Book Review, Pregnancy

Finding Calm for the Expectant Mom: Book Review

Four years ago on Mother’s Day, I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive!! I was going to be a mom. I was overwhelmed with excitement and terror. I really wish I had been able to read this book back then-

Although I liked it overall, I think it would most helpful to a first time mom than one who is pregnant for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time. The best part of this book is the fact that it addresses mood swings and emotions during pregnancy and normalizes them. For example, It is normal to be scared, stressed, and overwhelmed.

This book provides quizzes on stress, pregnancy perceptions, coping skills, self care, etc. These were by far my favorite parts of the book. I felt that they were very practical tools a woman could use throughout her pregnancy.

I also liked how this book tackled expectations. As my granddad would say, “All frustration comes from unmet expectations.”  A lot of times women have certain expectations about pregnancy and about how their relationships will be during pregnancy. Many times these expectations are not met, which adds additional stress during the pregnancy. I especially liked how this book addressed relationships, particularly with your spouse and mother-in-law.

This book also gives practical tools for how to better communicate your needs and emotions during pregnancy. It has appendices that recaps the topics of meditation, relaxation techniques, and positive self talk.

This book is a quick, practical read, and I would definitely recommend it for women during their first pregnancy.

Baby, Pregnancy

13 Amazing Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

I love seeing my friends’ and family members’ pregnancy announcements! Whether they simply text, call, or post a “we’re expecting!!!” or do an elaborate, clever announcement, it is so exciting. And I’m at that time of life where I know TONS of people at any given time who are expecting a baby.

Here are some of the best pregnancy announcements I’ve seen online!
















I hope these give you some inspiration if you’re looking for a creatvie way to announce your pregnancy! 🙂

Baby, Pregnancy

Baby Shower Gifts New Moms Actually Want

*This post contains affiliate links.

I LOVE baby showers! I loved mine that were thrown for me, and I love going to other moms’ showers! There is something so special about showering a new mama and her baby with gifts, love, and friendship. Most new moms now create a registry so their family and friends know what to buy for them. I think it’s usually best to stick to the registry. However, if a mom doesn’t have a registry, or if you feel the need to be creative and think of your own gift, OR if you feel like the new mom doesn’t have a clue what she needs and you know best, then I have some gift ideas for you. 🙂




VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker (Frustration Free Packaging)






Clothing (I like getting moms clothes in bigger sizes, because most of the clothes they are gifted are up to 6 months.)



Baby Gear









I hope you can find something in this list that you think would be perfect for a new mom you know. 🙂 Or maybe something in this list will be perfect for you and your family!